For safety

With the participation of all employees, we will improve the vitality of people and organizations, and improve the quality of work.

The Health and Safety Committee takes the lead in promoting initiatives to prevent disasters.

As an effort to ensure the safety of working employees, we have established a “Health and Safety Committee” consisting of 11 employees, including employees who work there, managers, and industrial physicians. Members meet every third Tuesday of each month to discuss employee health management and occupational safety, take specific safety measures, and actively engage in workplace patrols and KY activities to prevent occupational accidents.
In addition, in order to prevent accidents, the Safety and Health Committee takes the lead in investigating the risk of accidents in each department and working on “risk assessment” in which specific measures are taken based on the results. For example, a lockout that prevents misoperation by locking the fire extinguisher location in an easy-to-understand manner in an emergency, or to prevent the machine from operating accidentally when an operator is inside the molding machine And taking various measures.

Also, once a year, we receive guidance from the fire department and conduct evacuation drills assuming fires, as well as evacuation drills for large-scale disasters assuming Tokai and Tonankai earthquakes.
Regarding employee health management, regular checkups as well as monthly checkups by occupational physicians are available for easy consultation.

Safety declaration

Each department negotiates safety declarations and conducts “safety confirmation” at the general morning meeting held every morning.